Reading Lately

As you will have gathered, I've been quite busy recently and my reviews have petered off for a while. So I am going to proceed to do a rather lazy post, just to catch you up on what I've been reading.

WARNING: May contain Fitzgeralds.

Save Me The Waltz
by Zelda Fitzgerald

Yes, I am on a Fitzgerald kick at the moment, and this was one of my birthday presents from my colleagues at work. I wasn't sure what to expect from it, though having recently had a taster of Zelda's life from Z: A Novel of Zelda Fitzgerald, I was intrigued by how autobiographical Zelda's novel is. She comes up with some unique and exciting descriptions, and I love the portrayal of her protagonist's obsession with the ballet. I think I wanted it to be a stunning work of under appreciated genius, and unfortunately, it just wasn't that.

Buy the book: Save Me The Waltz (Vintage Classics)
Buy for kindle: Save Me The Waltz (Vintage Classics)

Dear Scott, Dearest Zelda: The Love Letters of F. Scott Fitzgerald and Zelda Fitzgerald
Ed. Jackson R Bryer and Cathy W. Barks

Collections of letters tend to thrill me, and this collection is magnificent. It was the best book I've read on the Fitzgeralds because it chronicles their entire relationship. And this is where Zelda comes into her own; she writes beautiful letters, descriptive and sensual. This is definitely one for people who are quick to choose their side on the Scott ruined Zelda/ Zelda ruined Scott debate. Their exchanges reveal a relationship far more complex than that, and one which was rooted in a deep affection for one another, even when they were no longer living together. I could read their letters all day, and will certainly have to read the collection again.

Buy the book: Dear Scott, Dearest Zelda: The Love Letters of F.Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald

Superzelda: The Graphic Life of Zelda Fitzgerald 
by Tiziana Lo Porto and Daniele Marotta

When I heard about this book, I could not resist buying it straight away. This graphic tale of Zelda's life distills much of what is gleaned from reading their letters and makes excellent use of Zelda's own words. The illustrations are fun and enjoyable, and it was a real treat to see such an original portrayal of Zelda's life.

Buy the book: Superzelda: The Graphic Life of Zelda Fitzgerald

The Silver Linings Playbook
by Matthew Quick

Having seen the film, and had the book recommended by several friends, I finally got around to reading this. The story has more depth than the film adaptation, and Pat Peoples is a narrator who is very difficult to put down. This novel is funny, sad, and highly enjoyable.

Buy the book: The Silver Linings Playbook (film tie-in)
Buy for kindle: The Silver Linings Playbook

 My partner's Dad also bought me a subscription to The New Yorker, which is proving an absolutely brilliant purchase with fascinating articles which combine storytelling with great journalism. Here is one of their cartoons:
Image Source: The New Yorker
